Sent: January-01-13 11:20 PM
To: lynda henderson
Subject: Re: Art Work
Hi Lynda,
Just wanted to let you know that my husband absolutely loved the painting. There was a reason I choose this painting of yours. My husband had a bone marrow transplant this summer, so he has been given a new lease on life and so I wanted to give a very meaningful gift. I also included a letter with the painting explaining the meaning.
The tree in the middle represents him and that the top is not visible because he has only lived part of his life yet and the rest of his life will still have to unfold. The roots reaching down into the earth show how grounded he is and his dedication to his family. The other trees represent his family and close friends who surround him with love and support. The light that comes from above are his doctors that have guided him through his health crisis.
You did a magnificent job on this painting. It looks beautiful in our home.
Thank you,